I Have Failed.Sorry.

There, I’ve said it. Failed. Not succeeded. A miserable excuse for a human being. I can no longer consider myself a true member of the sobriety club. Oh, don’t get me wrong, I’m still not drinking. I haven’t touched a drop in 5 months and yet I still consider myself a failure. Why?

Well, and I feel able to share this in this supportive blogging community, I can’t do yoga. No not just I can’t do yoga, I won’t do yoga. Contrary to what other bloggers say yoga for me is an anxiety producing activity and brings back yoga based PTSD.

So there’s my failure. I haven’t incorporated yoga into my sobriety and that makes me feel deficient. I look around at the other sober bloggers and it seems they are all doing a swan, or lotus or communing together on some retreat whilst I do the “slump” or the “piggy” watching some Netflix box set. The other sober bloggers are just so wholesome and in touch with their feelings and their bodies and I’m still trapped in a viscous circle of sausages, sitting on my arse and reading juvenile comics.

The caring amongst you will,I know, say, “Come on Jim, you too can do yoga, give it a try. Yoga people are inclusive, welcoming and non judgemental.”

The thing is I know that’s not true. You see I HAVE tried yoga and that’s where the trauma kicks in. Just the word, YOGA, brings me out in an anxious sweat. I went to a yoga class 20 years ago. They sat crossed legged and I couldn’t do that. The teacher vindictively singled me out and offered me a cushion for me bum. She seemed ostensibly to be concerned for me but her true purpose was humiliation. I knew they were all laughing at me, inside. I continued. I struggled with each position but I persevered. I looked for too long at one woman and received a withering look. Oh God I was now seen as the creepy voyeur. Could it get any worse. Yes. I lay on my front and had to do something strange with my legs. They parted and I farted. Not gently and softly but loudly. There were titters. My heart rate went through the roof.The teacher smiled and said that happens a lot. And this was meant to be relaxing! I was in pieces. I left that hall and never went back.

So yes I have failed because unlike all you sober bloggers I can never go back to yoga and each time one of you speaks about the wonders of yoga it brings back so much pain. It hurts.

Here’s me doing some moves outside on my own. Just to prove I can do it. I look pretty good for 64 right? 😉

This has not been an easy post, sharing such trauma, but I know you will understand. Thanks for listening.

Jim x

47 thoughts on “I Have Failed.Sorry.

  1. clairei47

    Oh Jim, I don’t think there would be a yoga teacher in the world that would allow you in their class anyway. There are probably photos of you shared amongst the instructors .. do not accept this man at any cost. I am not going to encourage you. I’m going for tough love. It’s not for you. Stick with table tennis.

    Hilarious post. Made my morning. Literally laughing out loud!!
    Keep ‘em coming
    Claire x

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Jim Simmonds Post author

    How did you know about the table tennis- I must have mentioned it before! Yes I’ll stick to that. That’s where I’m in my comfort zone.and your comment about never being accepted has only worsened my anxiety! Glad you liked it 😀 Jim x


  3. Nelson

    I wish I could be a failure like you, Jim. Oh, how I wish! I can’t do yoga either. There are a lot of stretches that you can do in the privacy of your own home, however, that are every bit as good as yoga, if done with the same mindful attention. Do a little googling. 👍😊


    1. Jim Simmonds Post author

      Funnily enough Nelson I’ve just started doing a bit of stretching using a book . It really helps. It’s not failure Nelson if it’s a step on the road to success ( I know sounds like rubbish but you get my drift) . Jim

      Liked by 2 people

  4. gr8ful_collette

    Thank you for your honesty…your complete and total honesty. 🤣 I think there are lots of sober yogis but not all sober people do yoga! Or maybe this is just another way you feel special…add yoga drop out to your special non-drinker status. Xx👍🏻💕


  5. ceponatia

    Lol, scared me for a sec. I hate yoga. It’s one of those things I want to love but I feel no impetus to do it. I had a good routine going for a month and even went to a few classes but the mere thought of getting into down dog right now makes me want to die.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. limetwiste

    Ohhh Jim.
    The (rofl) farting yoga dropout. 😂😂😂
    I don’t do yoga either but I would have been there with you laughing at myself and breaking wind too. I would have been told to keep quiet during class.
    Thank you for this post.
    I am laughing with you, not at you, honestly 😂😂😂
    Thank you for your vulnerability. 😁

    Liked by 1 person

  7. jacquelyn3534

    I’ve been thinking of doing Yoga at home. I always thought how could people not fart while doing yoga? A friend of mine is a physical therapist and says a lot of times people come in for therapy and when he does the leg exercises with them, they fart very loudly. LOL!
    Also-the dude in the picture with the white pants literally just made me LOL!


    1. Jim Simmonds Post author

      Well this range of comments is opening my eyes to new insights into yoga and farting. There was me thinking I was unusual. Years of guilt and shame, all for nothing. Yeh love to look like him😕 Jim x

      Liked by 1 person

      1. jacquelyn3534

        You don’t want to look like him, he’s wayyyyy too well….ummmm…let’s just say he’s probably way higher maintenance than I could withstand. 😂😂😂 I’m laughing but serious!


      2. jacquelyn3534

        I hit the like button and then had to run out the door for work! LOL! I’ve always said any guy that takes longer than me to get ready, is not for me. LOL! I think white pants dude takes some more prep time and a higher maintenance regime than me. hehehehe!

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Addy

    My heart was in my mouth until I read on. Fear not, Jim, you are not alone. I struggle to do any sport with conviction. At the moment I am signed up for pilates classes I have been doing since September and I am NOT enjoying them! Tying myself in reef knots does not seem to come easily, but I try to convince myself I shall be grateful in the future, when I can still run for a bus at the age of 90!


    1. Jim Simmonds Post author

      Yes sorry about the over dramatic title, I’m a drama queen for sure. But important to have a laugh. I’ve not tried Pilates but friends rave about it. I make do with walking and the sport I love is table tennis. Great fun and keeps you fit. Jim x


  9. nomorebeer2019

    Lol ❤ yoga and sobriety don't have to go together 🙂 I'd been a yoga practitioner for years before i tried going AF – sometimes I would go just to earn the beer I would go and drink just after class – I'm talking 4pm. Also I had a panic attack during my first yoga class ever. 🙂 Sod yoga if it's not your thing, and yay comics !!!! xoxoxo Missed you Jim ! xxx NNE


    1. Jim Simmonds Post author

      Hi Anne , long time it seems since I’ve been reading and commenting. In truth many friends do yoga and swear by it. I’m just very unsupple and not a great one for classes. I’m going to try a regime of stretching to try and get back some suppleness and lose some aches and pains. Who knows, if that works I may give yoga another go! Jim x

      Liked by 1 person

  10. sobrietytree

    Sheldon laughing. Just hard-core sheldon-laughing over here.

    “The other sober bloggers are just so wholesome and in touch with their feelings and their bodies and I’m still trapped in a viscous circle of sausages, sitting on my arse and reading juvenile comics.”

    “They parted and I farted.”

    “The teacher smiled and said that happens a lot.”

    And that picture!!! 😂😂😂

    Thank you for making sobriety way more of a scream, Sober Yodameister.

    Huggles xoxoxo

    p.s. 64 is not that much older. ;)))) 😉



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